Bronson's Annual Review: 2021-2022
Bronson's Annual Review: 2021-2022

Bronson's Annual Review: 2021-2022

February 20, 2022

A few words on doing Annual Reviews

I completed my most comprehensive and valuable Annual Review thanks to the “The Annual Review Workshop”. It was a tremendously powerful mind and heart opening experience, so I committed to do it again.

Last year I wrote about why I invest so much time and energy into this yearly ritual:

I've completed a handful of annual reviews in the past. Every time, I took away tremendous value. It's a special opportunity to process and reflect on the past year and intentionally set aspirations and goals for the next. It's one of the kindest gifts to give oneself.”

The kindness is palpable and oh-so-nourishing: my Present Self feels the kindness of my Past Self, my Future Self feels the kindness of my Present Self. And, I can say for a fact that the value is only growing year-over-year. It seems to be compounding. Each review/plan cycle building on the other. Although each time is a unique experience delivering immediate gratitude through past remembrance and confidence through future clarification, there’s also some underlying unchanging element. Perhaps its the meta-element of growing in “the four competencies” purported by Conscious Leadership Group to be the best predictors of sustained success in a career (and I’d extend to life in general): self-awareness, learning agility, communication, and influence.

The format of this review is mostly the same as last year’s. Even without the support of the workshop, I understood the mentality and framework of the process—Prepare, Remember, Connect, and Create—and I used the same set of questions to guide me. Last year, I spent ~60 hours over two weeks to finish my review. This year, I spent ~65 hours over four weeks. Doing the review self-directed and without push of community certainly contributed to the extended timeline.

For some of you, it’s been a while! If you want to read more on how I got here, here’s a summary last year’s Annual Review.


2021 was the most spiritually awakening year of my life yet as I fulfilled my year’s theme of “Heal Thyself, Heal the World”.

It was my desire to seek truth, heal, and transform last year. I was confident that I could fulfill my desire, but I had no idea just HOW MUCH it would happen and in such mystical ways. In 2021:

  • I found new eyes of the Wise Self
  • Spent lots of time immersing in and learning the language of nature
  • Healed within relationships starting within myself and especially with my dad

My goal was to be able to identify myself as a “healer”, which I am proud to say... here and now: I am a healer.

Happy places in nature: Honolulu (Magic Island), Mount Shasta, Yellowstone Grand Canyon
Happy places in nature: Honolulu (Magic Island), Mount Shasta, Yellowstone Grand Canyon

Transformation wasn’t and still isn’t easy, but it’s so worth it. I’m especially grateful for the countless individuals and diverse communities who cared and challenged me all along the way, most of all my life partner and wife, Katie, and my coach Chloe Good.

I devised and developed a “Life Systems Map” to organize my systems-first goals. Upon review, I can say with confidence that in every life domain—personal growth, career, and relationships—I stepped into new levels of abundance through 4-6x jumps in productivity and thanks to blessings beyond my control.


After eleven years of taking Uncle Clay’s House of Pure Aloha (HOPA) on as my sole career/work straight out of college, I transitioned from managing the current brick-and-mortar business to strategically growing the “HOPA Flywheel”. I experienced an epiphany to “transform” instead of “build” Houses. In a rebound year from 2020, in 2021 HOPA ‘Aina Haina hit near record sales and was stewarded by the next generation team. With my new bandwidth I explored and developed new ways to bring about Pure Aloha transformation, including an upcoming virtual global community and a new product: “The HOPA Journal”.

I also grew my tech career and discovered my sweet spot of being a “conscious technologist”: one who seeks to bridge humanity with technology, infusing it with the wisdom of Pure Aloha. For the past 18 months, I’ve been learning through doing through contributions at a tech startup where I’m converging my diverse talents, skills, and experience as a small business owner at HOPA to democratize the power of Big Data/AI for small businesses and business/community ecosystems everywhere.

The biggest wins of all however were 1) spiritually awakening, 2) helping my family with major life transition, and 3) becoming a father. When I look back on favorite memories I recall divine experiences at Mount Shasta and hearing my first child’s heart beat for the first time.


Going forward, I’m hearing the call: we are living in the decisive decade for the planet and humanity. The paradigm is shifting. It’s time to step up to Mālama Honua (care for Island Earth)... starting with me... and from within me... The Pure Aloha Dreamalizer.

2022 will be a year of converging wisdom through fatherhood for ‘ohana (humanity) and honua (Earth).

The foundation of this year is (em)bracing my biggest identity shift of being a father. As Katie nurtures our exponentially growing first child. Arriving: this summer! I’ll be spending 50% of my time this year on “Wisdom Sabbatical”. A key shift I’m seeking to make is finding the essential and learning how to “sabbaticalize”. Last year, I spent a majority of my time in divergence; this year I will spend a majority of my time in convergence—moving forward on what I already know matters. I will continue to focus on dreamalization primarily and healing secondarily, with an emphasis on the actualizing part.


I’ve revised my Life Systems Map for 2022 into fourteen intentions or goals which will be fulfilled by specific projects.


Here’s a list of my most significant projects of 2022:

  1. Move to a new home - in the next 45 days, Katie and I will find and move to a new home to raise our family for the foreseeable next couple of years.
  2. Go on a Wisdom Walking Pilgrimage - in April/May, I will take my first walking pilgrimage. The plan: 122 miles in 11 days on Hawai’i island (Big Island) dedicated to awakening a more Conscious Planet in reverent silence to Mother Earth as I hold my First Child and others of his/her generation in mind, heart, and spirit.
  3. Experience “Paternity Retreat” with Katie - approaching my ~12 week “Paternity Leave” with the mindset of fully experiencing this once-in-a-lifetime window of life to be 100% present with Katie and our first child.
  4. Produce Dad/Pygoya Documentary - in the making since 2020, a 60-90 minute film that shares and celebrates a story of creativity, art, and family as I learn about myself through and with dad, Rodney Chang, aka “Pygoya". The project is to bring the documentary together so it is ready to premier sometime 2023.
  5. Execute on high-value projects at RS11 - deliver on key projects as a conscious technologist solely focused on building RS11 (tech startup).
  6. Launch HOPA Journal - debut the HOPA Journal so anyone living anywhere in the world can go on a journey of Pure Aloha transformation. This will coincide with the launching of “HOPA Together”, a platform to deliver Pure Aloha content and lifestyle products while building a global virtual community.
  7. Publish “PAD Lifeletter” - I will launch and publish at least six “life newsletters” for those who sign up to follow my Pure Aloha Dreamalizer journey. If you’d like to sign up, please do!

2022 is shaping up to be the best year ever for so many reasons. What I look forward to most is growing in wisdom through fatherhood and the chance to experience what it’s like to quietly look into the eyes of Katie and our child as we read the Book of Life together with three rising soulful smiles.

Want to Read More?

That was the quick five minute summary. If you’d like to read my entire annual review from start to finish... well thank you! Your time and attention are valuable. And... good luck! The full review is ~13,000 words which at an average reading speed could take ~45 minutes.

If you’d rather just dive into the essence of my Annual Review, I’ve linked three key sections below:

Alternatively, you can check out the Table of Contents and browse for the sections that resonate most for you.

This annual review marks the actualization and re-launching of a dream: to have a following with whom I can authentically share my life’s journey of “Pure Aloha Dreamalization”. I’m calling it the “PAD Lifeletter”. If you decide to join, thank you very much. I’m looking forward to our journey ahead!



Immersing in the beauty of my happy place in Volcano, Big Island on my 33rd birthday.
Immersing in the beauty of my happy place in Volcano, Big Island on my 33rd birthday.

⭐️ My Favs

Back to Table of Contents

A roundup of my favorite memories and things from 2021. This "Remember" phase generates the life fuel of gratitude: the “ultimate prayer”.

"If the only prayer you say in your whole life is 'thank you' that would suffice.” -Meister Eckhart

▶️ Fav YouTube Videos: my Best of 2021 YT video playlist.

🎧 Fav Songs: my Best of 2021 music playlist.

🎞 Fav Movie: Dune

🎬 Fav Documentary: Fantastic Fungi

🍿 Fav TV Show: Foundation

📝 Fav Notes: this year I started my Zettlekasten... of the 23 Permanent Notes I wrote, here are my top 3 favs:


🧑‍🏫 Fav Course: Own Your Magic with Chloe Good

🌟 Fav Event: Punahou Festival of Ideas (Augmented Reality Workshop), ALOHANet 50th Anniversary Mini Symposium (link to my sharing), Rebel With A Cause (Maya Soetoro & Rev. Matthew Fox), Meditative Mornings with Maya/Dave

📖 Fav Bookclub: Roam Book Club 4 (How to Take Smart Notes)

🎙 Fav Podcast Episodes: RoamFM with Beau Haan, Buddha at the Gas Pump wtih Nipun Mehta, The Tim Ferriss Show with Jerry Colonna

🔴 Fav TED Talks: “A Healthy Economy Should Be Designed to Thrive, Not Grow” (Kate Raworth)

📰 Fav Newsletter: Every

🪚 Fav Life Hack: Nature time, Functional Mushrooms

👨🏻‍🍳 Fav Dish Cooked: Japanese Curry (Reese’s recipe)

👕 Fav Clothing: nothing new

🛋 Fav Home Good: Clever Coffee Dripper

🕹 Fav Tech: Macbook Pro (M1) (upgraded 2016 Macbook Air), iPhone 13 (upgraded iPhone 6)

🎉 Fav Memory: so hard to choose only one... finding out Restaurant Revitalization Fund grant, Nature Immersions, mystical and peak experiences at Mount Shasta, hearing child’s heart beat at first ultrasound

📸 Fav Personal Photos: made first annual photo book with Motif

📹 Fav Personal Videos: TBD

📚 Fav Books: see table (observations: completely read just three books; dozen plus partially read; mostly personal growth/spirituality)


Bold = influential / Bold = most influential


“Meditative Art” graphic inspired during grounding to earth and sun meditation practice
“Meditative Art” graphic inspired during grounding to earth and sun meditation practice

😲 What was your biggest surprise?

Hearing the clear and unexpected call for “healing” during The Annual Review Workshop last January. Heeding the call ultimately shaped and supercharged the entire year in magnificent and subtle ways. With my year’s theme of “Heal Thyself, Heal the World”, I discovered the profundity of those five words of wisdom, and more broadly the true power I have to write my story.

🥰 What was your most loving service?

The first was to family. Helping my family move from our home of 20+ year was a giant project. From January to November, I probably averaged a full day a week supporting the move. It pushed me to dig deep into being of service to my mom, dad, brother, and sister. More than the mounds of physical stuff, the emotional baggage that required decluttering was even greater. As each person processed through it all, old hurts led to descents into meltdown moments. I leaned on the Serenity Prayer to do what I could and to let go of the rest as family conflicts triggered old habits. In the end, I learned the power and value of embodying my Wise Self, starting with family.

The other was to myself. Allowing myself to heed the call for healing was a bold act that deepened self-love. I took the time to slow down, to really listen to my internal needs, and to be ever so kind and gentle on myself as I encountered inner shadows that interplayed with external challenges. I fought the impulse to push against tension and struggle, slowing down in a world that seems to only keep speeding up.

💬 How would you characterize the last year for you?

2021 was the most spiritually awakening year yet. The main through-lines: healing and nature. Two other words come to mind: transformative and mystical.

In a flywheel initiated by spiritual awakening, cascades of blessings have manifested in the form of new capacities for being and doing. Newfound clarity on life purpose and vision with new seeds planted in more fertile soils: The Pure Aloha Dreamalizer. As predicted, the fulfillment of my primary theme of “Heal Thyself, Heal the World” fed into my secondary theme of “Effortless Exponential Dreamalization”.

A six month journey of learning to “Own My Magic” culminated in a retreat to the sacred slopes of Mount Shasta, ultimately leading to the most mystical and transformative experiences of my life. My intention I set for the retreat “to see more than my eyes could see” was fulfilled. It’s been a blessing to see how beautiful all is.

On my birthday this year while in one of my favorite most spiritually enriching places in the world (Big Island), I discovered that I share the same birthday with Gautama Buddha. It also happened to be my 33rd birthday, which I’ve come to now know some Christians call “The Jesus Year”.

I am the Wise Self. I am Buddha Nature. I am Christ Consciousness... And so are YOU.

How fitting it is to write this while observing butterflies gliding in the garden!
Double rainbows over Magic Island | Dusk at Mount Shasta | Dawn at Yellowstone Grand Canyon
Double rainbows over Magic Island | Dusk at Mount Shasta | Dawn at Yellowstone Grand Canyon

😨 Which aspect of last year was most challenging?

🤗 What aspect was the most easeful?

Paradoxically, the most challenging and most easeful may be the same thing: being in the world.

As I reached deeper levels of healing, it became easy to be in the world. With less inner turmoil and more equanimity, observing, relating, interacting with the world—in all its simplicity and complexity, beauty and ugliness—became so wonderfully easy at times. I could fully accept and trust things as they are, or I could consciously manifest new visions starting from my very thoughts.

Conversely, there were times when it was extremely challenging to be the world. This was especially apparent after my peak transformation experiences when returning back to “life as usual”. I struggled to even understand what and why of my challenges. I felt the pangs of fear of being an imposter of false awakening.

I stumbled upon the idea of “Zen sickness”. I got what I asked for in seeing anew, but these new lenses created a subtle uneasiness during a queasy adjustment phase. I see-sawed between old and new realities. Thankfully with the care of others, especially Chloe and Katie, and most importantly myself, I embraced the struggle as a normal part of the transformation process, and in so doing I gained new permanent footholds in my ascension. It became easier to keep seeing with my new eyes with my old eyes wide open.

Comparing this to last year’s review in which I answered this question with “being in fear mode” and “finding the right balance of self-love and helping others”, I observe some recurrence of a continued underlying challenge: stretching the boundaries of self without losing myself.

Through it all, I’m learning that we live in a traumatized and traumatizing world which is scary and painful, return to the Wise Self that brings boundless healing.

👥 Who were the three most influential people in your life last year?


👥 Katie: I’m so lucky to have a life partner to love and be loved by. Another year of learning, awakening, serving, laughing, and crying through the mystical and mundane and everything in between.


👥 Chloe: who coached and deeply cared for me to embody my Wise Self, heal, and own my magic.


👥 All-Star Honorable Mentions:

Side note: now I understand why award ceremony speeches are so difficult to keep brief. There are just so many people that I’m grateful for who have influenced me this year—especially in small and subtle ways. I’m also sensitive not to have this list make anyone feel bad for not being mentioned. If that’s you, please know I appreciate you 😊

🏆 What were your top three wins of the year?

My top three wins were: 1) Spiritual awakening and healing, 2) Becoming a father, 3) Helping my family with major life transition.

🏆 2021 Goals Review

Back to Table of Contents I will now review my “Life Systems Goals Map” which I conceived out of last year’s Annual Review. The main idea was to build from Tiago’s progressive concept of “systems-first” goal setting by creating a systems map of my goals.

“My desire is to continue move my Annual Review into greater and greater actionability. To do that, I've felt the need to be able to SEE it all at a deeper, more embodied way. So, today I got physical and turned my hefty Notion document into the next iteration through creating. I drew on notecards. Then arranged them. Next, I will draw the "networking" of connections between cards to show how they interact as a system.”
“My desire is to continue move my Annual Review into greater and greater actionability. To do that, I've felt the need to be able to SEE it all at a deeper, more embodied way. So, today I got physical and turned my hefty Notion document into the next iteration through creating. I drew on notecards. Then arranged them. Next, I will draw the "networking" of connections between cards to show how they interact as a system.” -Me

I’ve kept my map top of mind throughout the year by setting it as my desktop wallpaper which I look at daily. I also found a way to integrate the systems map into my daily workflow in Roam by creating a page/tag for each goal.


To assess my goals, I created qualitative summaries for each. With Roam, it was quite easy as I could just go to the page/tag and do an at-a-glance review. My quantitative assessment is straightforward: a red/yellow/green rating. After sleeping on it, I realized the red/yellow/green rating could be more specific (i.e. a 1-9 rating where 1-3 is red, 4-6 is yellow, 7-9 is green). To visualize that easily, I could just thicken the borders to correspond with the level.

In the end, I was able to generate this animated GIF of my Life Systems Map.  It feels like a beating heart and shows the strength of blood/energy flow and how it moves through the interrelated body system - very cool!
In the end, I was able to generate this animated GIF of my Life Systems Map. It feels like a beating heart and shows the strength of blood/energy flow and how it moves through the interrelated body system - very cool!

So how’d I do? Let’s go through each goal one by one. I’ll start with my two main themes, then I’ll go through the rest as organized into three categories: Personal Growth, Career/Work, Relationships. To see the details of each goal click on the arrow to un-toggle.

Goal Review: Main Themes (8.5/10)

Heal Thyself, Heal the World 🟢
  • To heal myself, I learned to embrace myself fully with more self-love and less self-judgement. I found ways to keep dissolving the lie that I am not enough. In 2020, I accepted the failure of HOPA Ala Moana ~70%; in 2021 I reached 100% acceptance after a culminating conversation with Ben Weiss. Healing major hurt takes time, so progress is progress and ought to be celebrated. For me, it took ~18 months to fully heal from my biggest failure/let down.
  • I completed a six-month group coaching program called “Own Your Magic” with Chloe Good, during which I healed profoundly through embodying my Wise Self. I developed new tools and learned new frameworks alongside a wonderfully supportive community of new lifelong friends. The nature immersions to a new favorite mountain of mine on O’ahu (Wa’ahila Ridge) and retreat at Mount Shasta were incredible.
  • Throughout the year, I had many diverse and beautiful moments of healing within relationships - with Katie, family, friends, and colleagues. The biggest one was with my dad when for the first time I asked for and received a hug. As simple as it sounds, it was transformational.
  • In the healing process, I started to follow my desire to explore my heritage and family history. One particular event that was very special was interviewing my 85-year old grandma. I got to gather priceless stories of our family history memorialized on camera and at the end shared my Annual Review to her pride and delight.
  • image
  • A source of tremendous realization of my healing goal was Roam Book Club 4 with Beau Haan. A book club on “How to Take Smart Notes” by Sonke Ahrens, I learned by doing as I built my Zettlekasten. Going through RBC4 and VIEW Workshop (both with Katie) AND Own Your Magic was a phenomenal learning stack. The metaphor for how I approached RBC was: “being in heaven on Earth, where my Wise Self can play in boundless creation and in joyful celebration of the miracle of life”. I peered into my soul through writing. I journeyed with a global community of deeply caring human beings as we shared ourselves with honesty and vulnerability. I found an ultimate purpose of my Zettlekasten: “there is suffering in the collective self and it will help bring us closer to ending it”. By the end, I found deep insights of revelatory wisdom including a “Purpose of Life Formula” and I now have a “thinking partner” to help me to continue bringing healing to myself and hopefully the world. Here are examples of my permanent notes:
  • The Purpose of ANY Life (i.e. A or B) is to discover and express its unique essence as the embodiment of the universal. The simple formula for the Purpose of ALL Life is = A + B + X.

    There is unlimited synergy value in a system. Synergy value or "harmony" is unlocked when friction is reduced and conflicts are resolved through a process of healing.

    To actualize the full potential of a system, it is necessary to identify, understand, and heal conflicts. Conflicts indicate system failures that once fixed unlock the full potential of the system. A fully actualized system is conflict-free.

  • Towards the end of the year, I joined The Collective Healing Journey, a course with Thomas Hübl with a global community of thousands of healers. It’s been so insightful so far as I build further off of the foundation created in 2021.

Effortless, Exponential Dreamalization 🟢
  • One of my big questions of 2021 was: ❓ How can he achieve 2-3x as much with half the effort?
  • I was able to experience this 4-6x productivity in 2021 in terms of personal learning and growth, financially, and impact. The basis of which was further tapping into the true potential and power of using thought to manifest while shifting further out of a scarcity mindset to an Abundance Consciousness. Dreamalization is a word I created: it is practicing the art of bridging intuitive and creative dreaming with disciplined methods and practices of actualization.

Goal Review: Personal Growth (9/10)

I am a healer 🟢
  • My goal was to to be able to identify myself as a “healer” by the end of the year, which I am proud to say I can: I am a healer.
  • See: “Heal Thyself, Heal the World”
Retreat time for personal transformation 🟢
  • The goal here was: “have extended dedicated time for deep internal exploration and growth at least once every quarter.”
  • Q1: Nature Immersion 1 (Own Your Magic), weekend in nature
  • Q2: Nature Immersion 2 (Own Your Magic), weekend in nature
  • Q3: Mount Shasta Retreat (Own Your Magic)
  • Q4: 111 Days of Emptying - inspired after my trip to Yellowstone with Katie, I felt called to incorporate a daily practice of “emptying my cup” through a morning routine with nature, meditation, and contemplation. I completed a majority of the 111 days from September to December, which included many sunrises by the oceanside.
Create and spend time in supportive and loving spaces 🟢
  • This goal was based on my insight: “Half the battle can be won simply by choosing the right environments and people to surround myself with.” This relates to “Effortless Exponential Dreamalization” whereby 50% of it is based on these choices. This is about being courageous to say “no” and walk away when I know it’s not the right choice when it’s overly effortful.
  • The main spaces for me were in nature. My favorite spots were Wa'ahila Ridge, Magic Island, and Kaka'ako Waterfront Park.
  • As far as people, I spent time in supportive communities including Own Your Magic, VIEW Workshop, RBC4, BASB, Higher Skills Academy, Collective Healing Journey, and ServiceSpace (Business+Transformation Pod). On the individual people level, I sought out and attracted relationships that were of like energies.
Metalearning and learning 🟢
  • My key areas of learning and assessment on learning progress are as follows:
    • Healing 🟢
    • Parenting 🟢
    • Writing 🟢
      • Completed “How to Write Online Workshop with David Perell”. David ended up sharing my notes with his 50,000+ newsletter subscribers and said it was “the most popular link” of the issue.
      • Built my Zettlekasten
      • Developed and pitched future book concept: “The Pure Aloha Dreamalizer”
      Personal knowledge management 🟢
      • Roam Research
      • RBC4
      • BASB13
    • Coaching 🟢
    • Big history 🟡 and futurism 🟢
    • Technology (data science and AI) 🟡
    • Role model studies 🟡
    • Community building 🟡
      • The best way to learn about community building is through participating in them, if this is true, then I indeed did have many learning opportunities via the communities I was in this year, including: Own Your Magic, RBC, BASB, Higher Skills Academy, HOPA, RS11.
      • I’m looking forward to learning more about self-organization, particularly as part of my focus on Web3 which includes the concept of DAOs
      • Joined Build a Community Business (BACB) but wasn't able to participate
    • Dunking 🔴
    • Visual design 🔴
    • Business modeling 🔴
    • No-code 🔴
Grow Nosnorb Kroy and PKM score 🟢
I became a Roaman. Roam is now my main driver and Swiss Army knife for thinking, writing, and knowledge management.
  • I heard all the exuberant rage with Roam (here’s a great overview video) and it’s power to enable networked thought, after diving into the world of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) and joining Building a Second Brain in Summer/Fall 2020. But I didn’t want to try it until I had my basic foundations established.
  • In March, I was spurred to give Roam a whirl by my desire to somehow manage my dad’s (Pygoya) massive knowledge. I reached out to “Second Braingineer” Erik Newhard with a plea for help to coach me through learning and applying Roam. Little did I realize how much that first step would open doors to so much more.
  • I completed 5 Days to Roam: Journaling Mini-Course by Tracy Winchell, which helped me setup a practical foundation (including a gratitude practice that led to enlightenment!) for using Roam personally.
Building a Second Brain. I passively joined the Belters and completed BASB 12 and more actively joined the Founders and completed BASB 13. At the end of BASB 13, I reflected on the endless journey to mastery of CODE:

It's been a year since my first go around in BASB 11 which was everything I could have asked for in a Second Brain "spiritual retreat". It's incredible to look back on the subtle and profound trajectory shift it brought within myself and in my life, which become increasingly evident as time has passed I can observe the change of arc. I took BASB 13 in a much less involved way. However I still learned so much as I went deeper into CODE. In taking in the experience a second time from who and where I am now, it is clear: there is no end to this journey. Each pass through the cycle of learning brings new realizations and revelations. The depth of what can be known has particular form, and yet it is infinite.

  • Becoming more stress-free 🟢
Invest and build infrastructure, systems, and relationships 🟡

This goal was about: “supporting being a "Multipotentialite Dreamalizer living Pure Aloha" and improving my time management. Inspired by the lesson of "I need help".

Enter world of coaching 🟢
  • I learned how to scout for a coach and complete a selection process. I enjoyed exploring the world of coaching, including exploratory calls with Chris Sparks. My main coaching choice and experience was with Chloe Good; I participated in a group coaching program called Own Your Magic for six months, then 1-on-1 for the rest of the year.
  • Other ways I entered the world of coaching was completing the VIEW Workshop (interpersonal communication) and Higher Skills Academy with Pono Shim (personal leadership). Towards the end of the year, I also joined The Collective Healing Journey with Thomas Hübl.
  • One overcommitment was joining Build a Community Business (BACB), which I wasn't able to attend more than the first session.
Outsource through personal assistance 🔴
  • I didn’t make much progress on this goal besides watching "How to Work with a Personal Assistant" with David Perell and Rebecca Olason, and signing up for “Mountain of Leverage” by Eric Jorgenson which I will complete in 2022.
2021 travel 🟡
  • I enjoyed some great travel but not to the fullest extent hoped for at the beginning of the year. I wasn't able to go on any international trips as originally intended, including Thailand or Europe for family and honeymoon, mainly being safe with COVID.
  • I traveled twice to Big Island and twice to California. An unexpected work retreat to Boston. Wonderful vacation with Katie to Yellowstone/Grand Tetons National Parks.
MDLPA Role Models 🔴
  • The goal was to study role models of “Multipotential Dreamalizers Living Pure Aloha” - one ancient and one contemporary.
  • I decided on Leonard da Vinci for the ancient role model. I completed only one learning session this year and bought a couple books and a Funko Pop of LDV.
Dunk a basketball 🔴
  • At the beginning of the year, I said: “After taking a short hiatus for the past several months, I'm feeling excited about training again. I'm signed up for Dunk Camp 2021 in June, it's a great pre-commitment and milestone to plan around.”
  • What ended up happening: in the early part of the year, I still felt the invigoration to recommit to my dunking goal in preparation to attend Dunk Camp 2021. However as the months passed by, it became clear that other priorities were more important to me. It wasn't until around the Fall that I officially decided to back-burner the goal, which ended up feeling actually very liberating. It's the feeling of letting go of what needed to be let go.

Goal Review: Career/Work (8.5/10)

Build Tech Career 🟢
  • One especially moving moment this year was speaking up at the ALOHANet 50th Anniversary Mini Symposium. Here’s the background and story of what happened there.
  • I’m discovering my sweet spot as a technologist: bridging humanity with technology by infusing it with wisdom... to infuse Pure Aloha Consciousness into Technology. In the thinking of Reverend Matthew Fox: if technology is the output of creativity--which is our divine essence--then how do we ensure our creativity is applied towards the eudaemonic instead of demonic? In other words, how do we ensure creativity is used to create a world of greater compassion and justice for all beings and the planet.
    • From this perspective, I’m recognizing that to do this work is as much continuing to strengthen my mind as it is strengthening my heart. To acquire both new knowledge and to access more wisdom. As such, my own healing journey has been intimately integral to building my tech career.
  • RS11 has been my way to learn by actual practice and application. RS11 is a fast-growing startup seeking to revolutionize the economy from the bottom up through serving small business by unleashing the untapped synergy value (1+1=11) in our ecosystem and democratizing Big Data/AI. I can’t share more than that publicly but very big exciting things may be public in 2022. I worked closely with the CEO and management team to complete a variety of projects touching all aspects of the company including strategy, branding, product, organizational design and culture, recruitment, and fundraising. I’m tremendously grateful for the opportunity that’s allowed me to converge my decade-long experience as a small business owner and talents/skills as a learner, creator, and designer, to grow into my potential as a conscious technologist.
  • I continued to learn through knowledge and theory: I read books and articles and watched videos to understand the historical context of technology and its future outlook. I have started building a foundational knowledge of Web3 (blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs). One of my favorite questions is “How is the metaverse being architected and how can I bring Pure Aloha to its design?” It’s been exciting to start socializing some ideas on what and how Hawai’i and Aloha can be part of the metaverse with creator and technology friends.
  • BOPA: "The Bench of Pure Aloha (BOPA) is an app providing meaningful, safe, and real-time 1-on-1 human conversation and connection to another human being." I revisited the opportunity to create a new social audio app inspired by a past project. I socialized and developed a development and business plan.
Build HOPA Flywheel 🟢
  • The HOPA Flywheel is the idea of building a business model and strategy embedded with compounding value. The primary and original cog is HOPA ‘Aina Haina, our brick-and-mortar Hawaiian shave ice shop.
  • All in all, my intentions at the beginning of the year were mostly fulfilled. After eleven years since I took on HOPA as my sole career and work, I was able to be the MOST passive to HOPA shop management AND generate the MOST positive results both near-term and long-term for the company. I'm grateful I put systems in place and most of all to the people who stepped up to build, manage, and grow those systems.
  • One of close friends observed this as a clear sign of “God's redemptive gifts”. Surely, when I look back at what happened in 2021 it's so mystifying and deeply affirming. I've dedicated nearly half of my life building this company to bring more Pure Aloha to the world. In those rock bottom chapters, I nearly gave up... more than giving up on the company, it could have been also giving up on myself... but God/Universe would not allow it. Keep going! Heeding the call, a showering of abundance is coming through and this clean slate is allowing my essence shine like never before.
HOPA ‘Aina Haina 🟢
  • The House was blessed and abundant in 2021.
  • Like many other Hawaii businesses especially in food and hospitality, 2021 was a big rebound year from a crushing 2020 due to COVID. The islands reopened and welcomed back visitors who arrived in droves--including many who discovered us via Somebody Feed Phil (see Season 4/Hawaii episode). We went from shutting down HOPA Ala Moana and losing 70% of sales at HOPA 'Aina Haina in 2020, to in 2021 having the second highest annual sales for HOPA 'Aina Haina and record-shattering net income (due to operational income and significant grants).
  • My goal at the start was to “pass the torch” and transition leadership of the brick-and-mortar business to the next generation. To do this effectively, I committed to passing on my knowledge while bolstering the process through key outside support.
    • I personally trained our new management team through weekly lessons focused on personal productivity.
    • To empower our new manager, I invested in coaching and mentorship by going through a Work the System program and setting up a custom mentorship/coaching with Aly.
Explore & Build the Next Cog 🟢
  • With the new bandwidth in time and energy, I was able to focus on new growth. It lead to an epiphany, perhaps decades in the making.
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  • From this epiphany, I went on deep dives into three main opportunities and committed to one.
  • CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods): conceptualized an ambitious CPG product, global brand, and business plan. It was fascinating to learn about the space through meetings with top-level consultants, designers, and entrepreneurs, most notably Ben Weiss, author of Basementality: How This Entrepreneur Drove His Fight Against Big Sugar and Rose from the Basement to a $1.7 Billion Brand.
  • Franchising: a serendipitous letter on our shop window led eventually to speaking with the CEO of the world’s most successful private multi-brand franchise company, including their franchise development business. Again, I learned a ton about the fundamentals of a proven and powerful business model and opportunity for HOPA.
  • For each of the above, I decided to pass for now. Each has tremendous opportunity but would require a significant personal and professional commitment to building successfully. For now, I’m satisfied with my broader view of the field of possibilities knowing I have a couple of concepts, relationships, and initial plans. I'd be excited to revisit when the right people and resources show up, and I myself am in the proper position to steward its success.
  • Lifestyle Community: this is the opportunity to share the essence of HOPA through building a virtual platform to deliver Pure Aloha content and lifestyle products while building a global community. Uncle Clay and I published a handful more Pure Aloha 1-1-1 newsletters. Then, I pivoted to focus on developing a product that could help awaken Pure Aloha transformation in anyone anywhere in the world through journaling. I reached out to Tracy Winchell, recruited old and new friends tied to journaling/publishing and Katie, and together we built out the beta version of the “HOPA Journal” in an experimental, fun, design-thinking based process. I also formed a partnership with an old friend and owner of a full-stack design/marketing firm and a serendipitous meeting of a woman (Julie) blossomed into having co-leaders to lead the execution of the venture to officially launch in 2022!
Build personal brand and monopoly 🟢
  • This year, I gained more clarity and new vision for what my personal brand and monopoly is: The Pure Aloha Dreamalizer. More than even a personal and monopoly, this is discovering my life’s work through a unifying identity and mission that can hold and direct everything I do. The work that brings me so alive to do it even with no finish line in sight.
  • Through the amassing and connecting of experiences and learnings, tapping into my Second Brain and Zettlekasten, and connecting to my deepest intuition through meditation and vision quests in nature, the Pure Aloha Dreamalizer converged. I saw all the activities, all the circles, and which were most important and how they overlap. Building from here, I really enjoyed working through “Ikigai 2.0” by Kyle Kowalski of Sloww and look forward to refining a rough draft that I’ve created.
  • I developed and pitched my concept for a future book with a highly regarded editor and writing coach passionate about “authentic and personal storytelling” to encourage and inspire others. It was amazing to move a step closer to this long-term dream of writing a book and super valuable to get her feedback on how to move it forward. Here’s the book concept: sharing my personal transformation through stories and distilled wisdom of others in an ever-unfolding journey of "Pure Aloha Dreamalizing". Readers will gain inspiration for their own personal transformation to activate a global Pure Aloha movement and community.
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Improving financial clarity, money mindset, and 3x performance 🟢
  • My 3x annual income goal was achieved, and it's safe to say my net income at least doubled and possibly much more than tripled (depending on calculations I'm not worried to calculate right now).
    • Keep in mind, this is comparing the average of my last ten years of meager surviving entrepreneur earnings. Thus, my ultimate takeaway is: this year, for the first time, I'm not saying "more patience... I'll hit my big financial goal NEXT year", I get to say, "I hit my big financial goal THIS year". I'm pretty stoked about this and it feels great. Yes!
  • Reflecting backwards, I am aware that reaching these goals were somewhat out of my control. I am also aware that many of these things happened because I consciously put myself in the right position: the right position to see and seize outside business opportunities and the right position inside my mind--having an abundance money mindset--that helped the money to flow in from inspired actions.
  • To grow my money mindset, one book I that I’ve enjoyed (half read) is Edwene Gaines’ “The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance”. One big idea is moving from "noble poverty" to "noble prosperity". Furthermore, a profound insight on the nature of debt and forgiveness: "All financial debt is about unforgiveness. Financial debt is a socially acceptable way to punish yourself. When you no longer have a need to punish yourself, you will allow your debt to disappear." This year, I released tremendous amounts of debt, which has opened new levels of freedom in my mind and behavior as I got over "money shame" (Tammy Lally, TED Talk).
  • So, I am simultaneously proud and take credit for creating these financial outcomes and deeply humbled by the blessings of abundance pouring into my life. I'll just keep letting it flow and being fully grateful for whatever comes in. One of the specific things I've been learning to do is tithing which I intend to make an even greater practice in 2022.

Goal Review: Relationships (8/10)

Grow relationship with Katie 🟢
  • As I've worked on myself, I believe it's worked for Katie and our relationship. By looking inwards and focusing on what I needed to heal, allowed me to be a better life partner/husband. I found myself more fully resourced and thus didn't need as much from Katie or the relationship; to paraphrase The Prayer of Saint Francis—I could console rather than seek to be consoled—and practice Sadhguru's, "When human beings are in a state of offering, they are at their best in every way." When there is less pain we have, we don’t transmit that pain we couldn’t transform to others, especially those closest to us.
  • This year marked ten years since our life paths converged. It's amazing how much we continue to learn about the other and about ourselves through the relationship. I am truly fortunate to be with Katie, to deepen into interdependence as we learn and awaken individually and as a couple.
  • Getting support through coaching and community was a new way we really grew our relationship: doing the VIEW Workshop and RBC4 together to a couple session with Chloe. We stretched ourselves to deeper levels of vulnerability which led to new levels of understanding of what is. We learned how to better be with our challenges and insecurities and more fully cherish the gifts of our relationship as we grew the breadth and depth of our life vision as a couple.
  • Katie has both held me in the warmth of her care and held me to the fire with honest feedback that guides and pushes me towards my potential. In very practical ways, she balances my sometimes aloofness that can come with living such a spiritually-inclined life of mysticism, creativity, and wonder, by making sure to take care of every day tasks that are important to living well in this physical existence.
  • It's become clear that the best way to show up in our (and any) relationship is as my Wise Self and in VIEW. Everything is great when I do, conflict can happen when I'm not. Simple but not easy. Beyond bringing my full presence when we are physically and synchronously together, I can also be more present when we are apart. In other words, how I am showing up for the Katie and the relationship through actions.
    • From Ikigai 2.0 workbook, I answered the question “What is your most painful experience?” I wrote: “Burdening Katie with the weight of my obligations and not showing up fully as a husband”.
    • In the lingo of Love Languages (although it's not one of her top two) this is about doing "acts of service". Something which I know will become much more of a priority especially during her pregnancy and into the birth of our first child.
    • A priority goal for me: to do more acts of service for Katie. Offering myself in tender devotion. I need to be sensitive to this insight by planning 2022 wisely and not overcommitting that I can't show up fully as husband/father.
  • We enjoyed wonderful moments exploring our own backyard and travel adventures to the Big Island for my birthday and Christmas, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks, and Los Angeles.
  • Unfortunately we haven’t yet gone on our honeymoon. We were thinking about Europe earlier in the year, but COVID turned us off. With child on the way, this just means it’ll be sometime after 2022. We’re still committed to have one though!
Prepare for parenthood 🟢
  • At the beginning of the year, I was just looking for where to start. My goal: "brainstorm ideas on what this even looks like". My reticular activation system on, I found how to answer this open-question in an organic, bottom-up, and emergent way. I have tons of resources and notes in my Second Brain.
  • Once parenthood became a reality, a switch went off and I moved into a higher gear with a now non-negotiable deadline for preparations. I converged into creating a "Pregnancy Dashboard" in Notion and "First Child" wiki/hub in Roam. Here's to a Second Brain helping to support life's most common and all-important projects!
  • A takeaway looking at "prepare for parenthood" is this truth: I'll never really be prepared. Parenthood will be an ever-evolving life experience that will be continuous process of learning what it is and how to do it. So at this point in time, I'm giving myself a green assessment.
Support family in major life transition 🟢
  • This was one of the year's biggest successes. It was a marathon project to work with my parents and siblings to move out of our family home of 20+ years, but the goal was achieved. The house was sold and everyone moved to new homes. I think my expectations were appropriate going into it (hence "as smooth and successful as possible for everyone"). I now more fully appreciate why "moving" is ranked in stress-inducing life events right after death and divorce! Hat tip to Marie Kondo and her online course and Netflix series that helped guide our process.
  • Through the challenges this goal presented came many gifts: family time creating special memories, new growth and healing individually and collectively as a family, and clearing of physical and emotional weights that have opened up future possibilities and joy.
  • Birthed out of this goal was a “Memories Digitization” project. It was neat to stroll down memory lane as we re-experienced the past through various family and personal media in the move. It also brought to light how much stuff we have, stuff that can sometimes hold us back from living our best life as we cherish the past and have space for the future. This project will be a way to preserve and process all the physical content personally and as a family.
  • In 2020, my dad and our relationship grew a lot. I sought to know my dad more to know myself and started to embrace myself and him more as fellow multipotentialites and creators. I also found gratitude for his influences on who I am today through both nature and nurture.
  • 2020 set the stage for 2021 as a year of healing, in which exploring and growing my relationship with my dad was key. In March during one of our weekly father-son at the park outings, I asked my dad a question I realized I had never asked him before: “Can I have a hug?” It was transformational.
  • New creativity and opportunities for creation emerged throughout the year: building a business plan, working on knowledge management projects with Erik Newhard (transferring, Roam book, “POG Project”), reconnecting with an old friend NFT/Art space, and gathering content for a documentary.
  • Most importantly, through pursuing the call to heal and create, I gained new perspectives on the real value and profoundness of what is happening through our relationship, like this one from a mentor:
  • While your joint projects may be exciting, I'd offer that this is really step 1 for the real project with your dad. The Buddha said that we can carry our parents on our shoulder for our entire lives and still never repay our debt to them, but if we help them grow in dharma, not only do we repay that debt, but also repay all our ancestors that preceded our parents. My hope and wish is that your joint projects become a gateway and a bridge for your father to step into the flow of love or Pure Aloha which will be a consummation of his lifelong journey to arrive in the core of his heart.
  • Completing the family move took a lot of energy away from being able to work on the new, so although we didn't "ship" anything this year (hence the yellow), the stage in now set for 2022 where the goal will be to converge on existing projects and to start sharing what my dad and I have been up to with others.

😔 What were your disappointments from the year?

😔 Keeping open-loops open longer than necessary: this created a subtle drag and stress that sometimes affected my ability to be consistently fully present. These open-loops could be small (i.e. one-time tasks) or large (i.e incomplete projects).

😔 Staying in better physical shape. My mental, emotional, and spiritual health were at all-time highs, but my physical health was below average. Not a major disappoint, as it was not a priority, but I was comparatively much less active without any specific fitness goals. Fitness time was mostly an after thought.

😔 Eating information junk food. I wasted more time and attention than I wanted on low-quality addictive media. This is an on-going disappointment and the key culprit is YouTube. The algorithm overpowered my caveman brain more than I care to admit. An average of 20 minutes/day or 121 hours (15 8-hour days) I can never get back.

🌅 What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned this year?

🌅 Heal Thyself, Heal the World.

My main theme of 2021. I learned the truth and power of these five words through a variety of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual experiences.

Going back to an answer to a previous question: why is it so challenging to be in the world? Is my desire to serve others truly out of selflessness? Or is my “service” a fear-based response to relieve some level of dis-ease in myself? The way forward: continuing to heal so I can allow my Buddha-nature/Wise Self to be, a state of being-ness that is resourced by a bottomless well of equanimity. In a workshop with Sarah Peyton, I learned about dissolving contracts that block joy and love, like the “false boddhisatva” vow: an internal contract that can happen around nine years old because of how our brain develops. At this age, the brain learns there's a lot of trouble in the world beyond what it can fix, so it decides to do its best even at the cost of one's own joy. The problem and why it is a "false" vow is because if one were truly interested in helping a troubled world, one would start with ensuring there is no trouble within. The true boddhisatva vow is one to awaken to the joy and light within, then with compassion bring that into the darkness of the world. I will continue to seek to move more courageously through a traumatized world unafraid to embrace the suffering and pain as it is. Remembering the way forward is through the hallway of inner healing which leads to collective healing, down the pathway of inner peace which leads to world peace.

🌅 How to speak the language of nature.

Growing up in Hawai’i hiking mountains and swimming in the ocean, I always thought I was pretty well connected with nature. This year, I discovered my relationship with nature could go much deeper as a modern urbanite. Barefoot and amongst the pines of Wa’ahila, meditating to rising suns at ocean’s edge, I spent countless hours in quiet communion with the natural living world. Peering into the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone where time slowed to a standstill, I subtly submerged into geologic time and connected in convergence of past, present, and future with ancestors of past and descendants of future sitting with me. A once invisible world became more visible. I conversed with the sun, wind, plants, butterflies, honu, and rainbows. Slowly, I acquired new vocabulary to understand and use the language of nature, which is the language of the universe and life.

“The task that we face today is to understand the language of nature. My mission is to discover the language of nature of the fungal networks that communicate with the ecosystem. And I believe nature is intelligent. The fact that we lack the language skills to communicate with nature does not impugn the concept that nature is intelligent. It speaks to our inadequacy for communication.” -Paul Stamets from Fantastic Fungi

🌅 We are living in the “decisive decade” for the planet and humanity. It’s time to step up to Mālama Honua (care for Island Earth)... starting with me... and from within me.

As I grew my connection with nature that nurtured, inspired, and taught me, my compassion for Mother Earth expanded. Climate change took new levels of meaning for me. No longer an intellectual exercise I could conveniently ignore, but now a persistent embodied knowing. I felt it all: oscillations between inspired highs for the movement towards the regeneration of a Conscious Planet to writhing lows with gut-wrenching pain of on-going degeneration beyond control. After receiving amazing gifts atop Mount Shasta, my group was ushered out as one of the last people to stay by fast approach smoke from the Lava Fire. I took in the proceedings of COP26, then went into the woods to ground and seek guidance.

During a meditation group, my partner asked me: “What do you fear?” The answer came immediately, viscerally. Now a father, my fear is that my child will inherit a world of even greater collective and accelerating suffering—primarily driven by irreversible ecological collapse. Will her or she live on a scorched Earth marred in vast inequality and divisiveness echoing with the inescapable cries of hopeless hearts>

My commitment forward is to seek to transform my fear by taking love-driven action that creates a more sustainable world for my child and all children to come. I choose to believe it’s not too late and want to stand with those who believe the same. The questions I ask are: what will the planet look like in 2032 when my child turns 10? And what will I have done or not done that created such a planet?

Here was an insight I found in meditation on 11/11: "It is the fool who seeks to enlighten the world when he/she holds but a wavering light of a whimpering candle. Be a raging bonfire of love. Well up within tsunami waves of wisdom. Walk the path in such a way that your every step brings forth beautiful blossoms of joy.”

🌅 I seek truth. It lives in Christianity and the cross I received, as it does in many other traditions carrying truth.

On this 33rd “Jesus Year” around the sun, I had a profoundly mystical experience that cracked my heart open to continue seeking the truth in Christian faith with the same ardor I’ve put into other traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism.

In that experience, I also received the cross that found me. With discernment, I reject the falsehoods perpetrated by humans that defile the truth. The cross has become such a subjective symbol convoluted by nearly infinite meanings depending on who you’re talking with. It’s the same symbol carried by Mother Teresa and members of the KKK. It’s for this reason why you likely won’t see me wearing the cross I received. Yet, it is with me, always.

🌅 Transformation ain’t easy, but it’s worth it, and only possible with others.

Taking the red pill means signing up for a dizzying and disorienting journey down the rabbit hole. Trading temporary pleasures for new pains while letting go of comfortable old paradigms in order to experience new ones, it can be a scary ride and a questionable gamble. For me, I’m so glad I’ve taken it.

I’ve learned how to let go more. This make sense if reality is interconnected, so it must be that any transformation happens within the web of relations of life. This is actually the wisdom of transformation: only by letting go to the experience of being transformed can we truly transform. “Oh God, Oh Universe, help me to become what I shall become.”

On a more practical note: transformation is enabled through community. So much of my transformation happened thanks to the community that held, challenged, and encouraged me through the process. Yes, I needed to take the first step and many steps on my own, but community helped me carry on faster and further.

👋 What stories from last year are you letting go of?

I will keep letting go of these stories:

  • More is always better and
  • There’s not enough time (to live an extremely fulfilling life).

An “aha” moment this question reminds me of happened in July during the family move. As I was rummaging through my old papers and books, I came across my high school year books. Flipping to my senior profile (a most special one because you got a full quarter-page to add extra personal photos and writing), I ended with a quote:

“A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.”

This story has run its course. I’m grateful for it because it pushed me to pursue goals that I otherwise would certainly have never started and pushed through when the going got really tough. I’m proud of the battle scars I have that remind me of my ability to persevere through extreme challenges.

However, now seventeen years later, I realize the story is obsolete. It’s run its course. It’s time to move on from this level of black and white thinking maxim with the word “never” in it. I’m wiser now with the discernment to see it’s ok to quit, it’s fine to be a quitter, and sometimes it’s the way to winning. My new maxim to live by instead:

A quitter sometimes wins and a winner sometimes quits.

Around my junior year in high school, I discover the world of “self-help”.  I still remember my dad giving me a post-it note from a dental patient, on it written his recommendation to read
Around my junior year in high school, I discover the world of “self-help”. I still remember my dad giving me a post-it note from a dental patient, on it written his recommendation to read Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by W. Clement Stone. My sixteen year old self was ignited with inspiration. I was quickly moved on to Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, in which I cemented this mantra in my mind.

💪 What about your work are you most committed to changing and improving?

The four things I’m most committed to are: 1) doing less, 2) sabbaticalizing, 3) converging more, and 4) working my life goals systems map. Collectively, these improvements will help me to further let go of the stories of “more is always better” and “there’s not enough time”. It will also help me to improve my integrity by more consistently upholding my word as I “undercommit and overdeliver”. Much easier said than done, to do less is truly a “noble art”:

"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials." -Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living

💪 Doing Less Overall, Doing More that Matters
  • One of my top “favorite questions” last year has been: “What constraints must I install to un-constrain my limitless potential?” This is about architecting the right container that allows two atoms to produce a nuclear reaction. Deliberate intentional design done right unleashes limitless flow, joy, and fulfillment of life purpose.
💪 Sabbaticalize
  • In October, I heard a soul calling to go on a “Wisdom Sabbatical” in 2022 (here’s a tweet thread I wrote). A key part of this is rethinking “work” (old way) and exploring what inner and outer shifts are necessary to completely cease it. I’m seeking new way of work that is wise, whereby I can live the adage: “I do what I love to do, so I never have to work a day in my life.”
"[Sabbatical is] a time of thinking differently, of considering things differently... It's the same impulse, which is I'm not not working. I'm just working on something other than what I have been compelled to work on for the rest of the time." -Jerry Colonna
  • The outer shifts will include: executing on the outsourcing personal assistance goal, focusing time on systematizing my life and business, and establishing and sticking to time constraints per project.
  • The inner shifts will be the most difficult. This is about mindset and staying centered in the “why” behind the “what”, no matter how mundane or frustrating the “what” may be. It’s about surrendering to the process while having the self-awareness to practice self-care that enforces healthy boundaries to the limitless possibilities to do more.
💪 Converging More

There is a very simple model drawn from Design Thinking that is helpful when thinking about abstract work. It is called divergence and convergence. The basic idea is that all creative work is completed in one of these two modes, which alternate back and forth.” -Tiago Forte, Just-In-Time PM #8: Divergence and Convergence - Forte Labs

In 2021, I spent ~30-40% convergence to ~60-70% divergence. In 2022, I will seek to switch the two.

💪 Work My “Life Goals Systems Map”

Complementary to the other commitments is my desire to improve my “life systems and goals mapping”. Last year, my map helped me “craft my inner experience” and brought greater clarity which then guided me towards more alignment, flow, and freedom. I can build even more momentum by improving my systems map in the following ways:

  • 1) revisit my goals systems and make any adjustments based on 2022 insights
  • 2) drill in and concretize things more by setting a specific well-designed goal for each goal/intention.

Here’s a note I’m revisiting as I think about the above:


Side note: while working through this Annual Review, after making these commitments I decided to dive into these books that gave relevant valuable insights: Essentialism by Greg McKeown, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman, and Finish by Jon Acuff

🤔 What are the big questions you are holding for this year?

❓ How can I most effectively complete the biggest identity shift of my life of being a “father”?

❓ How can I be a Wise Father and a Wise Husband for my family? What does it look like to consistently show up—synchronously and asynchronously—as such?

❓ Am I attuned to where the waves and winds of life are flowing and blowing? How do I open myself to ride the energy and power of grace?

❓ What are my fears and will I allow myself to be with them courageously?

❓ What “false Bodhisattva vows” might I have that I can release to unlock greater joy and love?

❓ What constraints must I install to un-constrain my limitless potential?

❓ How and how much of my journey shall I share with others?

❓ How can I build more leverage into my personal and business systems?

❓ How do I empower others and bring out their greatest potential?

❓ How will I more consistently immerse with God/Divine and embody the Oneness I've witnessed?

❓ What is the ALOHA response?

👂 What advice would you like to give yourself?

👂 Let go to the paradox that you are. You are a turtle dragon pursuing the path of contented ambition, slowly and gentle at times and quickly and bold at other times. Transform at will.

👂 Your child coming into the world will be a glass shattering moment, a threshold crossed where nothing will ever be the same. Seize the last chance opportunities you have before it happens. Embrace the first chance opportunities that will arrive after it.

👂 Play more. You are a Wise Educated Adult Child so keep learning, creating, designing, laughing, dancing, making music.

👂 If all else fails, remember kindness. Just be kind to yourself and others.


“Volcano Meditation” - Bronson Chang - 2021
“Volcano Meditation” - Bronson Chang - 2021

🙏 What brings you the most joy?

Last year, I answered: “Being a Multipotential Dreamalizer Living Pure Aloha”. This year, I can answer the same with a slight tweak: Be(coming) a Pure Aloha Dreamalizer”.

As I’ve explored this idea deeply in 2021, I’m able to cut further into the essence. In this simplifying, I’ve removed “multipotential” as a separate concept, instead embedding it into “Pure Aloha Dreamalizer”. In other words, being a Pure Aloha Dreamalizer means actualizing one’s multipotentialism.

Furthermore, my new identity of “healer” now exists as integral to and within be(coming) a Pure Aloha Dreamalizer. This new identity and dimension of who I am certainly brings me even greater joy than before. It adds a wholeness to my previous string of identities of learner-creator-designer-entrepreneur.

⤴️ How are you going to do or have more of that?

By moving from “thinking about being it” to “being it”. Moving from theory to practice.

In 2022 then, it is about taking action with conscious alignment to making 100% of my life an embodiment of being a Pure Aloha Dreamalizer.

It will also be supportive to take this growing inner knowing and identification and share it outwardly. Specifically, this is about continuing to move forward with concretely establishing my personal brand and monopoly as the Pure Aloha Dreamalizer and building the “PAD”.

🎇 What is one undeveloped talent you are willing to explore?

A quick brainstorm:

  • Musician (Saxophone, Piano, Singing)
  • Artist (Mixed Media, Meditative Art, Abstract, Virtual/3D)
  • Writer
  • Videographer

The theme here seems to be all tied to my “creator” identity. I’m open to developing whichever one aligns most with the goals/projects I’ll commit to

💞 Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving?

💞 First Child

💞 Katie

💞 Dad

💞 Earth

💞 Future Generations

⚠️ What do you think your biggest risk will be?

  • Physical health - especially once baby comes with sleep deprivation that can lead to cascading effects. Mitigate by: boost physical health through fitness, nutrition (Ayurveda healing, fasting), and recovery and rest (meditation, breath work, sleep training) before baby arrives and build systems to maintain my health afterwards
  • Overextension - I have more abundant opportunities than ever before to achieve personal and professional goals I’ve been working towards my entire life. Mitigate by: be extra decisive on setting boundaries to not overwork and plan my year to fit “the seasons”.

🧠 What are you looking forward to learning?

I revisited my list from last year. It’s neat to see the evolution of my interests as I moved my learning forward. Clearly, I’ve lost interest in certain topics, found new interest in others, and most of all found greater clarity to drill into more specific domains of resonance.

This year, I’ve grouped my topics of interests into four categories and included the most related topic from last year in grey to illustrate the aforementioned evolution of interest.

  • Parenthood and developmental psychology [2021: How to raise a child and parenting]
  • Mindfulness and Meditation - Walking, Contemplative Prayer, Journaling
  • Individual and collective healing [2021: Healing practices; improving emotional intelligence for healing; community building]
  • Life Design - Life Goals/Intentions Systems Mapping, Ikigai, Slow Living [2021: Flywheels; Minimalism... 100 thing challenge? Digital minimalism]
  • Ayurveda
Science & Spirituality
  • Integral Philosophy/Studies
  • Language of nature [2021: Using nature for healing]
  • Christian Mysticism, Progressive Christianity, Christ Consciousness
  • Hawaiian wisdom and knowledge (ALOHA, thinking Hawaiian, wayfinding, loko i’a) [2021: Indigenous wisdom and knowledge]
  • Writing - Zettlekasten [2021: Metalearning, Personal knowledge management, Digital mind gardens, evergreen notes]
  • Pygoya - Art Philosophy and Creative Process [2021: Self-study of a role model]
  • Digital Storytelling [2021: Collaboration]
  • Meditative Art [2021: Becoming the ultimate creator]
  • New Paradigm Leadership [2021: Becoming the ultimate creator; Collaboration]
  • Technology Ethics [2021: Technology - data science, artificial intelligence, Human flourishing]
  • Evolution of Civilization [2021: Big history and futurism - dawn of civilization to 2100]
    1. Web3 [2021: No-code, Cambrian Explosion x Windows of Opportunity]
    2. Sustainability (climate change, eco justice, regenerative design) [2021: Moral justice, Human flourishing]
    3. New economics (economic justice, ESG, Stakeholder Capitalism, Doughnut Economics) [2021: Sharing economy, Gift economy]
    4. Self-organization and DAOs [2021: Business model design - Lean Startup, Business Model Generation]

What one word or phrase would you like to have as your theme this year?

Two words come to mind: Wisdom and Converge. Bring them together and I get... “Converging Wisdom”: bringing forth wisdom into reality by synthesizing knowledge, insight, and action.

... Several days later ...

I discovered the root meaning of parent: “to bring forth”. Parenting is the act of “bringing forth”. The same exact words I wrote above!

So taking “Converging Wisdom” one step further by putting into the most significant part of this year—fatherhood and Katie and I becoming a family—the phrase that would best exemplify 2022 is:

“Converging Wisdom through Fatherhood for ‘Ohana and Honua”

It is through Fatherhood that I will bring forth wisdom. I will seek to understand and apply truth—in knowing who I am and how to live—as I nurture and love my child that I bring forth with Katie—so that it may benefit the wider circles of all people (One World ‘Ohana) and our shared planet (Honua/Earth).

I add ‘Ohana in addition to Fatherhood because I desire the convergence of wisdom to extend beyond myself, son/daughter, and Katie. Convergence of wisdom will also come through and with Sonhood with my parents. Furthermore, ‘Ohana is about the wide circle of all humanity as “One World ‘Ohana”. I seek the converging of wisdom extending into the wider circle of past, present, and future generations.

🎯 2022 Intentions, Goals, and Projects

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Question: Which (intentions) and projects/goals will you commit to this year? What are your immediate next steps to achieve these goals? What goals, activities, or projects can you eliminate from last year?

To flip 2021’s allocation of divergence/convergence time so 2022 is ~30% and ~70% respectively, the first place I will look to commit are my existing intentions/projects/goals already in progress.

Taking insight from David Perell’s 2021 Annual Review: How can I put more focus on already existing partially completed projects? To use a football analogy: what projects are already in the “red zone” (80%+ done) and just need the final push to put major points on the board as they reach the glorious end zone?

After reviewing my Life Systems Goals Map, I realize that these “goals” are more like “intentions”. A general directional star to navigate towards but not an exact target with a clear deadline and specified deliverable. These intentions can benefit from completing well-aligned projects with clearly defined deadlines and outcomes. These projects are like milestones. Making progress and completing them will fulfill the intention and move me closer to that directional star. I visualize these projects on the backside of cards.

With that clarity, I’ve added “intentions” and “projects” to the original question. My two main “intentions” of 2021 that are the heart of the systems map are still very resonant: “Heal Thyself, Heal the World” and “Exponential Effortless Dreamalization”. In 2021, healing was primary and EED was secondary. In 2022, I will flip it. Furthermore, the emphasis will be on the “realizing” / “actualizing” over the “dreaming”.

PRIMARY: “Exponential Effortless DreamALIZATION” (2022) ”Heal Thyself, Heal the World” (2021)

SECONDARY: “Heal Thyself, Heal the World” (2022) ”Exponential Effortless Dreamalization (2021)

Another concept, I’d like to apply is planning by season.

I know, Hawai’i doesn’t really have physical seasons (besides getting 5-10 degrees colder and more rainy in the “winter”!). However, there’s still a lot of value of chunking months into seasonal themes.

2022 Intentions and Goals

Here is my revised Life Systems Map for 2022:

I was able to more than halve the number of cards from last year’s map
I was able to more than halve the number of cards from last year’s map

A list of my fourteen intentions and goals for 2022 with additional details about each:


2022 Projects

In order to progress on the above intentions and goals, I will complete specific projects. Here are my seven most significant projects. To see my full project list, see here.

  1. Move to a new home - in the next 45 days, Katie and I will find and move to a new home to raise our family for the foreseeable next couple of years.
  2. Go on a Wisdom Walking Pilgrimage - in April/May, I will take my first walking pilgrimage. The plan: 122 miles in 11 days on Hawai’i island (Big Island) dedicated to awakening a more Conscious Planet in reverent silence to Mother Earth as I hold my First Child and others of his/her generation in mind, heart, and spirit.
  3. Experience “Paternity Retreat” with Katie - approaching my ~12 week “Paternity Leave” with the mindset of fully experiencing this once-in-a-lifetime window of life to be 100% present with Katie and our first child.
  4. Produce Dad/Pygoya Documentary - in the making since 2020, a 60-90 minute film that shares and celebrates a story of creativity, art, and family as I learn about myself through and with dad, Rodney Chang, aka “Pygoya". The project is to bring the documentary together so it is ready to premier sometime 2023.
  5. Execute on high-value projects at RS11 - deliver on key projects as a conscious technologist solely focused on building RS11 (tech startup).
  6. Launch HOPA Journal - debut the HOPA Journal so anyone living anywhere in the world can go on a journey of Pure Aloha transformation. This will coincide with the launching of “HOPA Together”, a platform to deliver Pure Aloha content and lifestyle products while building a global virtual community.
  7. Publish “PAD Lifeletter” - I will launch and publish at least six “life newsletters” for those who sign up to follow my Pure Aloha Dreamalizer journey. If you’d like to sign up, please do!
Full Project Breakdown: On Time and Project Planning

Part of being an idealist is struggling with the “planning fallacy”: the underestimating of time it takes to do something, driven by optimism bias. It has been the source of great frustration, pain, and burnout; so much so that I’ve questioned the value of planning at all. However, I know that therein exists the deeper value of planning: planning gives the opportunity to form a clearer understanding of reality—of ourselves and the world—so I can better interact with it the future.

So this year, I wanted to get really serious in counteracting the planning fallacy. I did this by honestly drilling into the details of two questions:

  • Firstly: how much time do I REALLY have available?
  • Secondly: how much time does each project REALLY require?

The result was coming to grips with the limits of available time. It’s painful because I realize there isn’t time to do everything on my list. However, it’s this realization, followed by an acceptance of it, that is the root to living a purposeful intentional life. By accepting constraint, I’m faced with the perennial question: “How will I spend this one precious life?”

An intentionally lived life is one where I spend the most valuable gift—time—on the things that matter most. As part of preparing to move intentions into action, I went through all intended projects and meticulously evaluate the time requirements.

With my theme and priorities sharply in mind, I made decisions to set constraints, to cut back, or even eliminate certain goals and projects. It took a lot of time, but in the end, it’s worth it. I’m feeling confident that I have a plan that I now just have to execute, which I know I am capable of executing, and if so, this will be one heck of a year, perhaps the best ever.


Note on hours: after accounting for time required for my non-negotiables like sleep, personal routines, and time for key relationships (Katie/family/friends), I concluded that I have 8 “allocatable hours” per day to dedicate to my projects. These are 8 highly valuable coveted hours to spend wisely.

In the end here’s the time allocation summary:


In a nutshell, I will dedicate half of this year in Sabbatical to grow in wisdom, mostly through fatherhood.

🥇 What would you like to be your biggest win? What would make this year your best year ever?

On first pass on this question, I wrote, “To successfully converge and say I’ve completed at least TEN significant projects... including A, B, C, D, E....” On second pass, I realize how silly my answer was! The question asks for a singular win. Basically, I found a way to reinterpret this question to avoid what it was asking. I am dodging the difficulty of finding clarity and making a decision. (Note to self: herein is the power of doing this annual review/plan - to deep dive in self-inquiry and become aware of what really is).

So, here we go.... What would I like to be my biggest win? What would make this year my best year ever?


It’s apparent. It’s the “A” that I wrote immediately and first on the long list of wins: Growing in Wisdom as a Father and Husband.

This feels similar to when I discovered “healing” and the theme of “Heal Thyself, Heal the World” in last year’s annual review. It’s deeply resonant and simultaneously provocative and mysterious. It’s pulling me in a direction that feels so right, yet there’s also apprehensiveness of what it even means and what it will entail. I look forward to using this year to walk the path and discover what it’s all about.

How will I know if I’ve won?

Thomas Hübl says:

The real mystical knowledge is learning from the Book of Life itself. When I look at you I'm reading in this book. I'm reading life experience. When we synchronize our nervous systems, more information begins to flow. Developing more subtle awareness is reading the Book of Life... When I deepen my awareness, much more information is accessible. Living in a more deeply centered inner state, we are more attuned to the information within ourselves, in others, in culture and spirit...Wisdom is the ability to include more of the world in the way I live.”

From this perspective, I will have grown in wisdom as a Father and Husband by including my child and wife in the way I live. In deeper intimacy with life as a process, I will have made the life of my child and wife more integral to who, what, and how I am. So what would make this year the best year ever?

To experience what it’s like to quietly look into the eyes of Katie and our child as we read the Book of Life together with three rising soulful smiles... that’s more than enough to make this the best year ever.

Just after writing above, I caught the news of the venerable Thich Nhat Hahn’s physical passing. I read this article, and this quote in particular deeply resonates to the above thoughts:

In a deep relationship, there's no longer a boundary between you and the other person. You are her and she is you. Your suffering is her suffering. Your understanding of your own suffering helps your loved one to suffer less. Suffering and happiness are no longer individual matters. What happens to your loved one happens to you. What happens to you happens to your loved one...

In true love, there's no more separation or discrimination. His happiness is your happiness. Your suffering is his suffering. You can no longer say, ‘That's your problem’." -Thich Nhat Hahn

♻ What new habits can you cultivate that will help you to achieve these goals?

  • Setup standing meetings for the rest of the year
  • Rejoining Cave Day through April to get deep work done
Complete “Savor Sacredness of Early Mornings” project

In the next 60 days, I seek to shift my waking time from 6-7pm to 4-5am. To help me achieve this, I’m revisiting James Clear’s Atomic Habits by going through the e-mail course “30 Days to Better Habits”.

Practice “What is Essential? Eliminate Everything Else.”
  • Work on no more than six active projects at a time.
  • One In, One Out” Rule - if you must get something, use the “one in, one out” rule. Or, better yet, try one in, two out.
Stick to Less YouTube plan
New rules
  • ✅ Before watching a video, must pass these filters:
    • Is it relevant? Will watching this help inform an active project or on-going area in my life?
    • Is it made with conscious positive intentions? Was the content made in a way to enhance human flourishing-wellness, compassion, or justice--for viewers/world?
  • ❌ Don't watch rules
    • No watching after dinner, 5 days a week
    • No watching on weekend, 2 days a week
    • Has a click-bait title (you can tell it's trying to make you feel you need to watch it, or else...)
    • I’ve setup “Screen Time” reminders to help stick to all above
    • This app (Distraction Free Youtube) is a YT algorithm killer - I really appreciate it and will keep it running.

Extra credit: what does your astrological signs say about this coming year? As a dragon: “2022 is a year of Spiritual Growth. Challenge, expand, and explore the vastness of your own mind and values. You're on a stable and upward trend in terms of wealth. However to truly make a breakthrough, you'll have to look inwards. Remember to rest and be kind to yourself too.” (via 2022 Chinese Astrology Outlook)

📧 Sign Up for Updates - Bronson’s PAD Lifeletter

If you made it this far, THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. This annual review marks the actualization and re-launching of a dream: to have a following with whom I can authentically share my life’s journey of “Pure Aloha Dreamalization”. I’m calling it the “PAD Lifeletter”. If you decide to join, thank you very much. I’m looking forward to our journey ahead!